
Windows is the PC's program launcher and operating environment.  It is
basically a series of icons that launch programs.  These icons are not
positioned automatically and have to be added by the user.

It is essentially an environment.  A program that runs "in Windows" is rather
like a program that runs "in Workbemch" in that it has a standard set of gadgets
such as the Close, Minimize and Maximize gadgets.  This is useful on any platform
because it maintains a universal method of control that the user can easily get
to know and use.

Windows runs "on top of" MS-DOS, which means that you waste memory.  Unlike
  AmigaDOS  , which is only there if you want it, Windows is a higher
level than MS-DOS and is always there whether you like it or not.

The disadvantage of this system is that there is absolutely no file handling.
In order to do this you have to load a separate file management program,
which is slow due to the fact that for all operations it has to revert to
  MS-DOS   (although you do not notice it).

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